
I'm Emre Ergin. I am an Assistant Professor of Theory of Economics at Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, since November 2019.

I got my PhD at 19th Dec, 2018, from Maastricht University with a dissertation titled Strategic Voting and Social Welfare Rules. My work mostly focuses on voting behavior, so far only theoretically. To be more exact, I deal with representation, a descriptive sense of it, in which societies are summarized by their corresponding delegates, parliaments, committees etc. to accurately convey the sum of information that is available in the population. Democracies can only work if we are sure that it accurately aggregates the information that is hidden in each of us. That is why, without any consequentialist concerns, I am first interested in what is an accurate representation of a society; just as a map represents the land it pictures. For that end, I work with social welfare correspondences. My first doctoral project, "How to choose a delegation for a peace conference?" focuses on the use of social welfare correspondences in a fair, consistent way to represent a society via a delegation. The second one is about extending Participation Criterion and Condorcet Condition concepts to social welfare correspondence framework. In these papers, we have some assumptions about agents when they compare different rankings over issues and to tie loose ends, I introduce a new dissimilarity function as my last doctoral project.